~All A Level students get their first choice for the 4th year in a row!

There was celebration at United Sixth Form at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies in Bournemouth today as students received their A Level results.

Students have been accepted to their universities of choice to study a variety of courses, including Ancient History and Software Engineering.

Those students celebrating today include:

  • Mishka Brown who achieved an A and two Bs and will be going to the University of Southampton to study Ancient History;
  • Rachael Goldstone who achieved A, B, C and will be going to the University of Reading to study Psychology and Philosophy;
  • Ryan Holt who achieved A, B, C and will be going to Bournemouth University to study Software Engineering;
  • MD Khuraim Jamil who achieved A, B, C and will be going to the University of Southampton to study Mechanical Engineering.

Rachael said:

“I am really grateful for the support and encouragement that I have received here at Avonbourne sixth form, especially how the teachers inspired me to ensure my passion of philosophy and psychology at university.”

Khuraim added:

“I am looking forward to this new chapter of my life and would like to thank all the teachers at Avonbourne who made this possible for me.”

Michelle Dyer, Principal at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies, said:


“It is always wonderful to see students’ pride as they collect their results and this year was no exception. Throughout their studies, students have worked hard and shown commitment to their chosen subjects so it is gratifying to see their efforts pay off. Congratulations to all those who are celebrating today and thank you to our wonderful staff who have supported them throughout their time with us.”


24th August 2023


~ First exam results since pre-pandemic cement transformational improvements since 2019 

Celebrations are underway again this year at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies as students collect their GCSE results today.

With this year’s examinations the first to return to pre-pandemic arrangements, the results for both academies confirm the significant improvements achieved in the last few years – having transformed since 2019 levels.

At Avonbourne Boys’ Academy, over three quarters (77%) of students achieved at least a grade four in both English and maths, with 60% achieving grade 5 or above in the two core subjects.

Avonbourne Girls’ Academy saw equally successful results across the board. In both English and maths, 76% of students achieved grade four or above, while 57% achieved grade 5 or above.

For the highest grades, both academies had strong achievement rates in both English and maths – with 20% and 19% at the Boys’ and Girls’ Academies respectively awarded either a grade 7 or higher.

Beyond the impressive headline measures, individuals celebrating particular successes include:

· Sharam Rasoll, who achieved nine grade 9s;

· Toni Ferreira Velosa, who achieved six grade 9s, two grade 8s and one grade 7 as well as a Distinction;

· Beatrice Petrus, who achieved five grade 9s and four grade 8s;

· Jennifer Reis, who achieved four grade 9s, five grade 8s and one grade 7;

· Sara Bexheti who achieved two grade 9s, two grade 8s and six grade 7s.

Sharam said:

'You can tell from the smiles on people's faces that this school is amazing - the teachers have given us a great experience.”

Toni added:

“'All of my teachers have helped me overcome challenges, be the best I can be and get the best possible grades.”

Michelle Dyer, Principal at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies, said of the day’s celebrations:

I am thrilled with what students at both our Boys’ and Girls’ Academies have managed to achieve this year, and I would like to congratulate all our Year 11s on their success. These excellent results cement the strides we’ve made at the academies in recent years and reflect the complete transformation in culture and ethos that the whole school community has helped to deliver on.

“At Avonbourne, we are ambitious for each and every student to fulfil their potential, regardless of background or starting point. Today’s results are a credit not only to the students themselves but to our staff team who have worked tirelessly to ensure our young people have the support and encouragement they need to thrive and excel.

“We look forward to welcoming many of this Year 11 group back to our Sixth Form, where I am sure they will take the same energy and determination through to their A Level studies.”



17th August 2023


Sixth Formers secure first-choice university destinations

There is much excitement today at United Sixth Form at Avonbourne Girls’ Academy as students receive their A Level results and will now successfully take up their places at their universities of choice.

Amongst those celebrating today are:

  • Cheng Xiang Chen who will be studying Sociology at the University of Surrey.
  • Ariana Thaneja who will be studying Accounting and Business at the University of Reading.
  • Ida Altbacker who will be studying Zoology at the University of Bristol.
  • Oliwier Staszewski who will be studying Geography at the University of Southampton.

Commenting on her success, Ariana said:

“I'm really happy with my results and I am so glad I had so much support to get me into my first-choice university.”

Oliwier added:

“I'm delighted with how results day has turned out. The last 7 years has seen lots of positive changes at Avonbourne, and without the help of the dedicated staff at the school I wouldn't have achieved my place at the University of Southampton.”

Michelle Dyer, Principal at Avonbourne Girls’ Academy, said:

“Our A Level students have worked hard over the past couple of years and it is wonderful to see their efforts pay off. From Accounting to Zoology, they will be embarking on an exciting variety of courses at university and all have bright futures ahead of them. Thank you to our Sixth Form team for the ongoing support they have provided. I wish our Year 13s all the very best for their next steps.”


27th June 2023


The Eco-Schools Green Flag is an international accreditation that recognises efforts to raise environmental awareness amongst young people, whilst taking action to make their school more sustainable. Avonbourne Academies has now retained its status as an accredited Eco-School, following their achievement last year.

The Eco-Schools programme was established in 1994 and is now delivered in more than 70 countries across the globe. The programme prompts young people to explore a variety of environmental issues, including climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Pupils are then empowered to plan and deliver environmental actions in their school, local community, and beyond.

Since Avonbourne began working towards an Eco-Schools Green Flag during 2021, achievements have included planting 60 hedges, 15 saplings and introducing a recycling scheme across the site.

And this year, pupils at Avonbourne Academies have built on these strong foundations, collaborating with Shayla Donnelly to work on three Eco-Schools topics: school grounds, waste and biodiversity. They then planned a variety of projects including litter picks throughout the year on school grounds and in our surrounding community areas; the implementation of a recycled car tyre garden that is still rolling into place; the continued upkeep of school-wide classroom recycling with a community feeling during student-led Wednesday morning recycling bin emptying; pen recycling in nearly every classroom – that’s almost 90; charity partnership to track our school’s avian biodiversity; and planting copious local flora seeds throughout the Spring and Summer.

Assistant Principal, Laura Tsabet, said, ‘We are incredibly proud to be awarded Distinction two years in a row. The school’s Eco Committee is made up of a wonderfully committed group of students, and their efforts this year to make the school more sustainable exemplify many of our school’s REACH values’.

Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, said: “The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The pupils and school

staff that earn the award deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity. Their passion for protecting our planet is an inspiration to us all. ”

To learn more about Eco-Schools head to https://www.eco-schools.org.uk/


~ Validated league tables from the Department for Education confirm Avonbourne students performing well above national average on key measures ~

~ Avonbourne Girls’ Academy placed in top 20 schools nationally ~

Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies in Bournemouth have had their high academic standards validated today as the Department for Education publishes its Performance Tables for Summer 2022.  Today’s validated tables, which are the first for two years, show that both Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies received excellent Progress 8 scores placing them amongst the best schools in the country.

Progress 8 is a national measure which calculates the average progress students make by GCSE, compared with other similar schools.  A progress score that meets the national average is set at 0 each year, with anything higher reflecting value added to a student’s achievements during their time at school.

In 2022, Avonbourne Girls’ achieved a Progress 8 score of +1.16 whilst the Boys’ Academy achieved a score of +0.44.  The Girls’ Academy’s score places it second in Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch and 19th in the country as a whole.  

Michelle Dyer, Principal at Avonbourne Girls’ and Boys’ Academies, said:

“It is fantastic to see our academies performing so well and I want to congratulate our students once again on their achievements last summer.  Across our academies, we seek to give our students the right combination of challenge and support so that they can make excellent progress and achieve the qualifications they need to pursue their career of choice.  Despite the challenges of the previous two years, our students – ably supported by our dedicated staff – worked incredibly hard to achieve such impressive results.

“We are determined to build on these results next summer and are giving our current Year 11 students all the support and encouragement they need to secure the grades we know they are capable of achieving.”

For more information, please contact press@unitedlearning.org.uk.


21st November 2022


On Wednesday, some of our Eco-Committee leadership from United Sixth Form, joined together with their peers from 13 other United Learning secondary schools to take part in an exciting COP27 Climate Simulation Negotiation.

The event, hosted by the British Council at their UK headquarters in Stratford, was inspired by the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) taking place in Egypt this month. The event gave our students the opportunity to strengthen their communication, negotiation and presentation skills, whilst encouraging them to consider potential solutions to the challenges our planet faces. 

Playing the part of world leaders, Non-Governmental Bodies (NGOs) or Media, students were tasked with taking part in a real-life climate negotiation simulation, producing a global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. During the negotiations, their proposals were fed into a computer programme, which used real-life data to model what the consequences of their proposals would be on the climate. 

Y12 student, Andre Rojnik, said:

“This has been a really unique experience which has allowed me to grow both personally and professionally. What we have discussed and debated today also feeds into the wider work we are doing at United Sixth Form as part of our Eco-Committee.”

Associate Assistant Principal, Laura Tsabet commented:

“I was incredibly proud to take these four sixth form students to London for this event. They engaged in climate negotiations with other schools with passion, respect and a true commitment to the environment. It was enjoyable to see them playing the part of the European Union and committing to an immediate change in our carbon emissions!”


21st October 2022



~ New provisional league tables from the Department for Education confirm above average student progress for United Learning’s local cluster of schools ~ 

~ Glenmoor Academy tops the Progress 8 table in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, whilst The Cornerstone Academy is first on the measure in Poole ~ 

~ The scores put Glenmoor Academy and Avonbourne Girls’ Academy in 12th and 19th place respectively in the country ~ 


Following the release of the Department for Education’s provisional GCSE league tables this week, United Learning schools in Bournemouth and Poole are celebrating their scores for pupil progress. 

This national data now shows schools’ provisional results on the government’s Progress 8 measure, which calculates the average progress students make by the time they sit their GCSEs, compared with other similar schools. A progress score that meets the national average is set at 0 each year, with anything higher reflecting value added to a student’s achievements during their time at school.  

On Progress 8, Glenmoor Academy was top of the table for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, with a score of +1.27 – putting the academy 12th in the country on the measure. Glenmoor’s sister school for boys, Winton Academy, saw a similarly impressive score of +0.92.  

Elsewhere across United Learning’s local cluster, students and staff at The Cornerstone Academy were celebrating their place at the top of the table for Poole, with a Progress 8 score of +0.78.  

Equally, the Avonbourne Girls’ and Boys’ Academies – which joined the Group most recently, in late 2019 – were overjoyed by their Progress 8 scores of +1.17 and +0.45 respectively. For Avonbourne Girls’, this score puts them 19th in the country.  

Stuart Ingram, Regional Director for United Learning’s Bournemouth and Poole cluster, said: 

“These provisional results reflect the fantastic successes these schools have achieved over the past few years and the effort that has gone into making sure every student thrives in their learning after the challenges of the pandemic.  

“I know each of our academies is determined to achieve the very best for all their young people and these well above national average Progress 8 scores reflect that ambition, demonstrating the difference an education with them makes. For Glenmoor Academy and Avonbourne Girls’ Academy in particular, these scores put them 12th and 19th in the country on the measure, which is an exceptional achievement. 

“I would like to congratulate all the students and staff working across our Bournemouth and Poole cluster of schools on not only these results but the hard work they continue to put into driving ongoing improvements, each and every day.” 



25th August 2022


Students and staff have been celebrating today as they receive their GCSE results.

At Avonbourne Girls’ Academy, 90% of students achieved a grade four and above in both English and maths, with 71% achieving grade 5 or above in both subjects. In addition, 29% of students achieved grade 7 or above in English and maths. Most impressively, over a quarter of students (27%) achieved the highest possible grade in English, which is a grade 9.   

Similarly, Avonbourne Boys’ Academy have received excellent results. In both English and maths, 80% of students achieved four or above, and 57% achieved grade 5 or above in these two core subjects. In both maths and English, 22% of students achieved a top grade of 7 and above.  

The school also performed well on the government’s EBacc measure which calculates the average points students achieve across five core subject areas – English, maths, the sciences, a language and geography or history. At Avonbourne Boys’ this point score was 4.40 and at Avonbourne Girls’ it was 5.30.  

Among those studens celebrating were:

  • Grace James who achieved four grade 9s and six grade 8s.
  • Hope Nori who achieved three grade 9s, six grade 8s and a distinction.
  • Ryan Barnes, who received five grade 9s, three Grade 8s, a grade 6 and a grade 5.
  • James Harris who achieved three grade 9s, six grade 8s, and one grade 7.
  • Sergio Gomes-Gouveia who was awarded two grade 9s, five grade 8s, one grade 7, one grade 6 and a grade 5.

Michelle Dyer, principal at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies, said: “I’m over the moon with the excellent results achieved by our students at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies. After a particularly challenging few years due to the pandemic, our students have worked tirelessly with teachers to achieve their very best. They have demonstrated immense resilience and scholarship, and their achievements – many of which are within the top grade brackets of 7, 8 and 9 – are a credit to that.  

“It is particularly pleasing to compound this week’s results with the fantastic achievements of our Sixth Form last week. Our Year 11s look up to their role models at United Sixth Form and are excited to follow in their footsteps as they continue their academic journeys in Year 12 next year. Congratulations to everyone in our school community for this shared success.”  

Thursday 18th August 2022


~ 21% of A Level entries achieve A* or A grades ~

~ Students at the Sixth Form, based at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies, are now off to some of the UK’s top universities ~


Students and staff at United Sixth Form (USF), based at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies, are celebrating today as students receive their A Level results and university offers.

Despite a challenging few years as a result of the pandemic, USF’s 2022 cohort saw 21% of entries receive A* or A grades. With an overall pass rate of 100%, 58% of entries achieved A*-B grades and 82% of entries achieved A*-C grades.

In light of their success, students have secured places at a number of the UK’s top academic institutions, including prestigious Russell Group universities, for a range of disciplines and professions.

Among those Sixth Formers celebrating today are:

• Anna Modeer who achieved 3 A*s in Art, Textiles, Geography, as well as an A* in her EPQ. Anna will be taking up a place at the University of the Arts London to study Interior and Spatial Design.

• Jack Scantlebury who achieved an A* in Business and two As in History and Sociology. Jack is off to the University of Bristol to study History.

• Anastasia Maunder-Taylor who received an A in Sociology and two Bs in Dance and History. Anastasia is set to study Primary Teaching at the University of Chichester.

Commenting on students’ achievements, Michelle Dyer, Principal at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies, said:

“Congratulations to all our Sixth Formers on this excellent set of A Level results. Despite the many challenges the pandemic presented, our young people continued to prioritise their learning and strived to achieve their very best. It is fantastic to see our Year 13s being rewarded for the hard work and dedication they have shown to their studies over these past two years.

“A sincere thank you also to our wonderful Sixth Form team for the ongoing support and dedication they give to our students. I look forward to keeping in touch with our recent alumni and hearing of their successes in the years to come.”



The Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies are celebrating after the achievements of students and staff were recognised in United Learning’s national Best in Everyone Awards 2022.

These awards saw teacher Rod Clayton presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his long-standing services to the school, alongside Sixth Former Anastasia Maunder-Taylor, who received the Leadership and Service Award.

Each year, the Best in Everyone Awards honour individuals, teams and departments across the Group for the exceptional contributions they have made to school and community life. This includes recognition for standout academic successes, sporting and musical achievements, and commitment to leadership and service.

Nominations were submitted earlier in the year and considered by a judging panel. There was a strong field of nominees in all categories for 2022, which makes it even more impressive that Mr Clayton and Anastasia were singled out as winners in their categories.

Mr Clayton first joined the school in 1980 and is currently marking his 42nd year of teaching. Throughout his time at the school, Mr Clayton has taken on a number of leadership roles, including leading the PE and maths departments. In his nomination, he is praised for bringing unwavering enthusiasm to his work, as well as “passion, dedication and his trademark humour and modesty”.

It is clear from the nomination how highly respected and popular Mr Clayton is amongst colleagues at Avonbourne and the impact he has had on students, past and present. Current European and Commonwealth Cruiserweight Boxing Champion Chris Billam-Smith, an alumnus of the school and previous student of Mr Clayton, named him as the individual who had inspired him to achieve so highly at school and in the sporting world.

Commenting on his achievement, Rod Clayton said:

“I am obviously greatly honoured to have received this nomination. My sincere thanks and appreciation go to all that have supported me in my career so far.”

Similarly, Sixth Former Anastasia was recognised for her efforts to create positive change in her local community, as winner of the Leadership and Service Award for 2022. Described as a “caring and courageous spirit” in her nomination, she regularly volunteers at local primary schools, dance studios and COVID-19 vaccination centres in order to give back and create positive change.

Commenting on her award, Anastasia said:

“This came as an unexpected yet gratifying surprise. I feel honoured to have been nominated for this award and am extremely grateful for my school and teachers for all the wonderful opportunities and encouraging support they have given me throughout my time at Avonbourne.”

Avonbourne’s two winners received their engraved glass awards on Friday 24th June at a special ceremony at The Queens Hotel in Leeds. 2022 marks the tenth year that the awards have been held and a return to an in-person ceremony following two years of virtual celebrations. Bespoke videos announcing the winners were also posted on United Learning’s Twitter account to coincide with the live event, giving over 10,000 peers, colleagues and family at home the opportunity to join in the celebrations.

Michelle Dyer, Principal at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies, said:

“I know our whole school community will want to join me in congratulating Mr Clayton on his award and in thanking him for his long-standing contributions at Avonbourne. Such a length of teaching service is hugely commendable; over this time, he has influenced countless groups of students and colleagues through his work, his positive attitude and his commitment to the school. We are delighted he has received this recognition.

“Likewise, as a young leader, we are very proud of Anastasia for her award and for her dedication and care towards important local causes. She is an excellent role model for our younger students and shows just how much impact you can have – even as a young person – by giving up your time to support your local community.”




Students and staff take part in national ‘Big Walk and Wheel’ initiative to promote cleaner travel and active lifestyles.

Between 21st March and 1st April 2022, students across all year groups at Avonbourne Academies have been participating in this year’s ‘Big Walk and Wheel’ initiative.

Organised by charity Sustrans, the initiative is the UK’s largest inter-school walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling challenge. The purpose of the initiative is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle amongst young people by encouraging them to walk or wheel to school instead of using other modes of transport. It also inspires local communities across the country to work together to reduce congestion and improve air quality in their local areas.

Students, led by the schools’ Eco Committee, immersed themselves in the challenge arriving at school by foot, on scooters and on bikes. Those students who live further away from the academy were also encouraged to get involved in the active challenge by taking up some form of physical exercise during the day.

Andre, a Year 11 student at Avonbourne Boys’ Academy and Eco Committee member, said:

“I cycle to school every day to ensure I am doing my best to protect our environment.”

Alicia, a Year 11 student at Avonbourne Girls’ Academy and Eco Committee member, said:

“I believe we all hold a strong responsibility to care for the environment for future generations.”

Laura Tsabet, Associate Assistant Principal at Avonbourne Academies, and Carbon Neutral Champion, said:

“Participating in the ‘Big Walk and Wheel’ has been such a joy. Over the last two weeks, we have seen the percentage of students walking or wheeling into school increasing, and more students are actively talking about the positive impact of this change on their physical health, as well as on their general wellbeing. Hopefully this event has achieved its purpose of reducing pollution and raising awareness of the environmental issues that affect us all. I'd love this to be something we can participate in annually.”



Year 13 student showcases impressive creative talents to reach final ten in United Learning’s annual art competition.

Anna, a talented young artist in Year 13 is in the running to take home the top prize at United Learning’s International Art Competition after her work was selected from 57 entries for the final shortlist. 

The art competition, now in its 14th year, challenges students aged between 15 and 18 across the Group to draw, print or paint an original piece of artwork and submit a high-quality digital photograph of the piece. Those students who finish in the final four are given the opportunity to have their work displayed at Tokyo’s celebrated International High School Arts Festival, whilst the winner receives an all-expenses paid trip to Japan to see their piece exhibited in person. 

Having progressed through the first two rounds of judging, Anna is one of ten students across the country to see her work be shortlisted. Anna’s artwork is an acrylic self-portrait painting called ‘Anticipating Change’. The painting reflects the crossroads that Anna is approaching, as her Sixth Form journey draws to a close, and she embarks on the next stage of her life.  

Speaking of her achievement, Anna said: 

“I am surprised but feel incredibly fortunate that I have been selected. The calibre of artwork in this competition is really high so I am proud of my achievement so far. I am thankful to the school for giving me the opportunity to showcase my work in this way, and also for the support of my teachers.” 

Jane Davies, Head of Art, said: 

“We are incredibly proud of Anna. She has worked extremely hard and her work is a reflection of her skill as well as her deep personal connection to the theme of her project. Anna is a fantastic ambassador for the academy and is a credit to the art department. Well done Anna!” 

Michelle Dyer, Head of School, said: 

“Congratulations to Anna on being shortlisted in this prestigious competition. She has depicted a stage of her life with stunning personal expression. We are all immensely proud of her and look forward to continuing to support her in her artistic endeavours.” 

All ten pieces will now go before United Learning’s Executive Team and a panel of professional artists who will have the difficult task of voting for their favourite artwork. The winners and three runners-up will be announced via social media on 17th March. 


Congratulations to Sophie in 8AG3 who won a competition organised by our local MP Tobias Ellwood. 

Her winning Christmas card design was picked from over 400 entries from other local schools.  Sophie's illustrations can be seen below.





On August 12th, students and staff at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies joined together to celebrate the awarding of GCSE grades.

This year, as with A Levels, GCSEs were awarded following Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs) due to the cancellation of external examinations. As part of this assessment process, students at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies sat in-class exams and completed coursework.

The morning was an excellent opportunity to congratulate students for their hard work and perseverance, particularly in the face of disruption caused by the pandemic. Standout individual successes at Avonbourne Girls’ Academy, include Lauren Old, Megan O’Connor, Amelie Scott, Yasmin Karakus, Isabelle Robinson and Ariana Thaneja.

The news came after the school’s Sixth Formers received their A Level grades earlier that week. Many of these Year 13s are now set to take up their places at top Russell Group universities, including University College London and the University of Southampton.

Stuart Ingram, Executive Principal at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies said:

“I am delighted for every student who is celebrating today because these qualifications are testament to their hard work over their five years here. This year of course is unlike any other so it’s not a case of comparing results with those that have been achieved by previous cohorts. Everyone here knows how far the academies have improved in recent years and we look forward to sustaining this success and building on it further in the future. “We now have a thriving Sixth Form at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies which this week celebrated some notable individual successes at A Level. We very much look forward to welcoming many of today’s achievers back to school in September where they will be taking up their own places in our Sixth Form.”




In the Bournemouth Echo...



Students and staff at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies are celebrating after two students won awards at United Learning’s Best in Everyone Awards 2021.

Each year the awards celebrate the impressive achievements of students, staff and teams in schools across United Learning. They recognise a wide range of successes, including exemplary academic performance, dedication to leadership and service, as well as lifetime achievement. 2021 marks the ninth year that the awards have been held and the second year that the presentation has been conducted virtually. 

As part of this year’s online celebration, each winner was announced via a personalised video, shared on United Learning’s Twitter feed to an audience of over 10,000 users. The bespoke videos include a photo of the winner, as well as a recorded message from a member of the senior leadership team at the winner’s school. 

The winners at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies were Isabel Pretty, who won the Young Hero of the Year Award for students in Years 10-13, and Anas Benmoussa, who won the Business Award. In picking up these awards, the winners saw off strong competition from a range of exceptional nominees across the country, with 400 nominations being submitted in total. 

As a young carer to her father and late mother, Year 11 student Isabel was crowned Young Hero of the Year for her strength, resilience and determination. In the face of incredible adversity, Isabel has remained committed to her learning and is always kind and respectful to the people around her. She is an inspiration to students and staff alike.

Taking home the academy’s second award was Year 11 student Anas Benmoussa, who won the Business Award for the enthusiasm and commitment he shows to the subject. Anas goes far beyond what is expected of him in the classroom, seeking further opportunities with key partners in the field, including taking part in a virtual work experience with construction and engineering company Sir Robert McAlpine.

Commenting on his success, Anas said:

“Hard work and determination is truly what has got me this far. Thanks to the support I have received from my peers and teachers, I have been able to see that there is always success after hardship, as long as you don’t give up. I would like to thank everyone at Avonbourne Academy for the invaluable experience I have been given.”

To commemorate their outstanding achievement, the winners are each set to receive a glass award which will be posted to their school in the coming weeks. 

Stuart Ingram, Executive Principal at Avonbourne Boys’ and Girls’ Academies, said:

“Congratulations to Isabel and Anas on these excellent achievements. I am constantly amazed at Isabel’s compassion, dedication and strong work ethic. Despite having to contend with a number of difficult challenges, she always comes to school ready to learn and make a full contribution to our school community. I am thrilled that she has been recognised in this way.

“Anas’s ambition and drive to succeed is infectious. He is always looking to go above and beyond and achieve his very best. I am sure he has a long and successful career ahead of him.”


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