


Below you will find the homework diaries for this half term which details what work is set each day and when this is due.

Homework at Avonbourne Academies supports pupil progress in all subject areas. Departments set homework based on prior learning that gives pupils the opportunity to engage in retrieval practice either at home or in one of our homework clubs at break, lunch or after school. As a result, pupils can do independent practice in their own time and, as teachers, we are able to use their performance to assess pupil understanding of our curriculum content. 

Sparx Maths, Sparx Reader, Bedrock and Seneca are online platforms used by departments to set homework tasks. These online platforms have been chosen because of their ability to track and monitor pupil progress as well as their wealth of ambitious content and resources that we believe best supports home learning. 

On this page you will find links to the homework grids for each year group. The homework grids detail what homework needs to be done and on which online platform. The online platforms themselves have the due dates for each piece of homework. You will also find below a selection of 'how to' videos, which explain how to log into each homework platform for the first time.

If you have any specific queries regarding subject homework, please direct them to the appropriate Head of Department:









hayley.baldwin@avonbourneacademy.org.uk (KS3) 

hannah.hipsey@avonbourneacademy.org.uk (KS4)









If you have any general homework concerns, please direct them to the appropriate Head of Year:

classof2031@avonbourneacademy.org.uk (Year 7)
classof2030@avonbourneacademy.org.uk (Year 8)
classof2029@avonbourneacademy.org.uk (Year 9)
classof2028@avonbourneacademy.org.uk (Year 10)
classof2027@avonbourneacademy.org.uk (Year 11)

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Whole School Homework Timetable

Homework Support

To support students with access to the various online platforms, please find below links to videos that will guide you through the process at home.



Students in Years 7 to 11 will use Seneca mainly to complete their Geography, History, MFL and RS homework.

Students need to click the link above and choose to log in with Microsoft Office. This links their school account to their Seneca homework account automatically.

Below is a support video from our very own Mr Kidman to support students with logging in and completing homework.

Sparx Maths

Sparx Student Log In (sparxmaths.uk)   


Students in Years 7 to 11 will use Sparx Maths to complete their Maths homework.

Students need to click the link above and then select Avonbourne Girls' Academy OR Avonbourne Boys’ Academy and enter their login details.

Students’ usernames are their full name in lower case i.e. joshephinebloggs and the password is set by the student. If students forget their password, please click on the link to reset it. This will send a notification to their teacher who can confirm the reset.

 Students need to click the link above and choose to log in with Microsoft Office. This links their school account to their Sparx Maths homework account automatically. If students any further issues, they must please speak to their Maths teacher.

Below are two videos about how to login and how to show your workings out.

Sparx Reader

Login - Sparx Reader

Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will use Sparx Reader to complete their English homework.

Students need to click the link above and then select Avonbourne Girls' Academy OR Avonbourne Boys’ Academy and enter their login details. Any issues encountered with logging in should be communicated to the student’s English teacher.

Sparx Reader is a reading, comprehension and vocabulary programme that gets all young people reading regularly to help improve their Literacy.

Year 7, 8 and 9 students are set homework each week on Sparx Reader. Students are set the task of reading a book of their choice on the platform each week. Students need to collect 300 SRP per week to complete their homework. SRP points, or Sparx Reader Points are awarded to students for completing their homework. This is how we track their student’s progress and engagement.

Once students have completed a placement test, the ‘library’ on Sparx Reader will open and students can select a book to read for homework. As students read, they will be asked some comprehension questions to check their understanding and to ensure they are completing their homework weekly. Tasks are personalised based on each student's reading ability so that every student can be successful with their reading. The books that a student can choose from are carefully chosen so that the text is accessible yet suitably challenging.

Below is a video that that supports students in how to use Sparx Reader.

Language Nut


Students in Y7 - 11 will be using Language Nut to complete their French and Spanish homework. Students can login with either the username and password given to them in class, or they can link their school login details to that username and password for future use. The platform works best on a laptop or tablet, but most activities can be completed via the Language Nut app. Language Nut club is every Wednesday after school in BG27.

We recommend using the web version of Language Nut and not the app




Homework Detentions

Our homework detention policy states that homework that is not completed to a satisfactory standard will result in an after-school detention for 60 minutes.

A satisfactory standard is defined as:

·       80%+ score on Seneca (or as much as a student can attain in 30 minutes in Year 7 and 60 minutes in Years 8 – 11).

·       80%+ score on language nut 

·       300+ Sparx Reader Points

·       Sparx Maths Compulsory Sections completed to 100% before XP Boost Tasks

Homework Clubs

We offer Homework Clubs every day at break and lunch in AG11. We also offer after school homework clubs running in AG11 on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Some KS4 subjects also run lunchtime homework support clubs and drop-ins.

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